This week we want to share our second year roundup. This time, the content goes beyond what has appeared in our newsletters, which surpassed its 100th edition!
In addition to new productions, our team gave interviews and our articles were published in media around the world. We have compiled this material that contains extensive and in-depth analysis about China and its role in the world in 2022 for your easy access.
For another look back on the year, Mika Erskog, Tings Chak, and Marco Fernandes just joined Li Jingjing on her 2022 Recap livestream.
Thank you for subscribing to News on China, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, and subscribe to our Telegram channel.
Wishing our dear readers a very healthy and happy new year!
—Dongsheng editorial collective
Special Content
The Crane
In July, we launched The Crane: An Africa-China Podcast, a tool that presents a fresh look at the news, debates, and history around China-Africa relations, hosted by Dongsheng Collective members Amadeus Musumali & Mika Nhondo Erskog.
Poverty Alleviation in China
In March, we also launched a series of six videos, for our Portuguese audience, about the Chinese poverty alleviation program, which was published by Brasil de Fato.
This year we continued with our “Explained” series with two important videos that provide information about the Chinese political system and the results of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.

Is the Ukraine War a Prelude to a More Protracted Global War? by Deborah Veneziale on CounterPunch, March 21
US watches as China, Latin America deepen ties by Marco Fernandes on Brasil de Fato, April 9
Why Latin America needs a new world order, by Marco Fernandes, Morning Star, May 10
Go to Yan’an: Culture and National Liberation by Tings Chak on Tricontinental, May 16
China, América Latina e Caribe na encruzilhada da história by Marco Fernandes on Brasil de Fato, May 27
马可&罗思义:除了西部防线,中国还有一条抵御美国侵略的南部防线 (link with automatic translation), by Marco Fernandes, Guancha, June 5
Winds from Fusang: Art, Multipolarity, and China-Latin America Relations by Tings Chak on Tricontinental, June 22
China’s path to socialist modernization by Tings Chak on People’s Dispatch, October 26
Alemania se despega del «desacople» y negocia con China by Gisela Cernadas on ARGMedios, November 15
Xi, Biden e as duas bombas-relógios da Casa Branca by Marco Fernandes on Brasil de Fato, November 20
No soy yo, sos vos: diálogo y tensiones entre China y EE.UU by Gisela Cernadas on ARGMedios, November 23
Could China help Brazil overcome its economic crisis? by Marco Fernandes on Asia Times, November 29
Lessons from COP27: Enhance cooperation of Global South when developed countries continue to default duty by Marco Fernandes on Global Times, December 2
China’s engagement with African countries helps empower local economies by Mikaela Erskog on Global Times, December 13

Interviews and Events
In addition to published articles, two members of the team became regular analysts on China in South American media. Marco Fernandes has a biweekly time slot on TVT’s Bom Para Todos in Brazil (see the playlist with all the videos here), and Gisela Cernadas has a weekly segment in Barricada TV, in Argentina (see the playlist with all the videos here).
Below is a list of where we participated in media publications and events in different regions, addressing the year’s most important issues facing China. For another look back on the year, Mika Erskog, Tings Chak, and Marco Fernandes just joined Li Jingjing on her 2022 recap livestream.
Brasil de Fato
- China: maior aliado da América Latina?, Tings Chak on Caminhos para o Mundo with Aline Piva, July 13
Brasil 247
- Em Congresso, comunistas chineses pedem desenvolvimento nacional e paz mundial, Marco Fernandes on A semana no mundo with José Reinaldo Carvalho, October 22
- Como a China recebe eleição de Lula, Marco Fernandes on Giro das Onze with Dhayane Santos e Gustavo Conde, November 11
- Os destaques da cúpula do G20 e o encontro de Xi Jinping e Biden, Marco Fernandes, story by Gisele Federicce, November 17
- COP27 e G20: As cúpulas do mundo multipolar, Marco Fernandes on A semana no mundo with José Reinaldo Carvalho, November 19
BreakThrough News
- From Eileen Gu to COVID Protocols, Anti-China Bias Suffuses Olympic Coverage, Tings Chak on The Freedom Side with Eugene Puryear and Rania Khalek, February 12
- China’s View on Ukraine War and New World Order, Tings Chak on The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, May 12
- What Westerners Should Learn About The Accomplishments & Challenges of China Tings Chak on The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, June 21
- China’s Rise: Why U.S. Threats & Provocations Will Not Succeed Tings Chak on The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, August 18
- China cut import tariffs by a huge margin for the 16 poorest countries, Mikaela Erskog on The Freedom Side with Eugene Puryear and Rania Khalek, August 19
- The China-Russia Alliance: Will It Endure? Will It Grow? Marco Fernandes on The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, September 29
- The Chinese Communist Party’s 20th Congress, Tings Chak on The Freedom Side with Eugene Puryear and Rania Khalek, October 14
- CPC Congress: Xi Elevates China’s Socialist Goals, Prepares Country for Global ‘Storms’, Tings Chak on The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, October 20
- US & Europe Want to Make Africa Cold War Battleground Against Russia & China, Mikaela Erskog on Rania Khalek’s Dispatches, December 1
- China Protests and COVID: Myths and Facts Tings Chak on The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, December 1
By Any Means Necessary with Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman
- Study refutes western accusations of China practicing “debt-trap diplomacy” on the African continent, Amadeus Musumali, July 18
- What Life In China’s COVID Lockdowns Is Like, Tings Chak, April 12
- Understanding China’s Model of Socialist Modernization and Democracy, Tings Chak, November 5
- China’s transition from the zero COVID strategy to a more dynamic strategy, Tings Chak, December 30
- Global Youth Talk: Growing together with China, Gisela Cernadas, Marco Fernandes, Mika Erskog, Tings Chak, and others, October 25
- How will China start a new chapter of preserving biodiversity? Marco Fernandes on How China Works – Charting the Future with Li Jingjing, December 12
- CPUSA International Conference 2022, Tings Chak, September 21
Code Pink
- A Closer Look at China in Africa, Mikaela Erskog, January 19
CovertAction Bulletin Podcast with Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa
- EXCLUSIVE Eye-Witness Report from Shanghai on COVID Lockdown, Tings Chak, Abril 20
- The Truth Behind the Africa-China ‘Debt Trap’ Myth, Mikaela Erskog, August 30
Dosed with Abby Martin
- China, Taiwan & US Propaganda, Tings Chak, August 5
Dragon TV
- Marco Fernandes on This is China with Zhang Weiwei, June 5
- Direitos humanos, saúde e seguridade social: a promessa de um novo contrato social face às políticas de austeridade, Tings Chak, April 20
Global Times
- US an oligarchic republic masquerading as a democracy, Deborah Veneziale, November 7
- Chinese path to modernization inspires development of Global South countries, Deborah Veneziale, December 13
- CPC offers stability, consistency for humanity and the Global South, Marco Fernandes, December 27
- Zhang Weiwei interviews Marco Fernandes (link with automatic translation), July 10
Meia Noite em Pequim with Elias Jabbour
- China: uma real alternativa ao dólar?, Marco Fernandes, July 18
- Estados Unidos em busca de uma guerra fria, Marco Fernandes, October 13
Opera Mundi
- A China venceu a pandemia?, Marco Fernandes on 20 minutos Entrevista with Breno Altman, July 15
- A new podcast revisits China as the best model for Africa’s development, Mika Erskog and Amadeus Musumali, October 12
Rádio China Internacional
- Marco Fernandes olha para experiência do PCCh na luta pelo povo, October 18
- A China na nova jornada e o mundo, Marco Fernandes, November 11
- Bolsonaro relations with U.S., Marco Fernandes, September
- Lula’s victory and its meaning for Brazil-Russia relations, Marco Fernandes, November 2
Talk it out with Li Jingjing
- Why is the Global South ditching the West? | A Brazilian perspective, Marco Fernandes, June 26
- Brazil chose Lula to be the new president, what will happen next? Marco Fernandes, November 3
- How do Chinese people view China’s COVID policies?, Tings Chak, December 27
- 2022 Recap livestream, Marco Fernandes, Mika Erskog, and Tings Chak, December 30
- Encontro Biden e Xi Jinping, Marco Fernandes on Revista Brasil TVT with Ana Rosa Carrara and Cosmo Silva, November 20

Twitter threads
In 2022, we explored key issues in greater depth through Twitter threads, from the US-sponsored boycott of the Chinese semiconductor industry to the reduction of the super-rich in China. Below is a selection of the most popular threads this year:
- International Working Women’s Day
- Cuba & China present the first patent for a “Pan-Corona” vaccine that will be effective against different strains of COVID
- “Debt-trap” study
- How did China, in just 7 years, reduce 40% of the air pollution in its big cities?
- New evidence of Japan’s cruel and gruesome chemical weapons experiments in China during WWII
- 2018 internal speech in which Xi Jinping highlights the revolutionary character of the Communist Party of China
- 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: Why is it the most important political event of the year?
- China’s modernization path
- CPC’s ideological and organizational self-criticisms
- 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) delegates
- Report from the outgoing 19th CPC Central Committee
- Less super rich in China
- China-Cuba relations
- COP27 and China’s fight against climate change
- State visit by Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel to China
- Race for Lithium
- China’s rural cooperatives are making a comeback
- The US boycott of China’s semiconductor industry is having difficulty finding global support

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